Nutrition & Diet

Best Healthy Meal Delivery Services (Pros & Cons)

Convenient and Nutritious Meal Delivery Options

Read the healthy meal delivery pros and cons and the companies that provide services for healthy meal plan delivery. Between long work hours, family obligations and just not feeling like cooking, it can be tough to prioritize home-cooked healthy meals. Thankfully, meal delivery services have proliferated as a solution for convenient access to nutritious home-cooked selections without all the meal prep.

Healthy Meal Delivery Services

Here are some top healthy meal delivery options to consider


Freshly Healthy Meal Delivery
Freshly Healthy Meal Delivery

Freshly delivers fully cooked but frozen meals fresh from their kitchens each week. Entrees like herb chicken, beef tips and mac, or veggie bowls can simply be heated and served. Options cater toward balanced nutrition with 450-900 calories each.

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Blue Apron

Blue Apron
Blue Apron

Rather than fully prepared meals, Blue Apron sends pre-portioned fresh ingredients and instructions to cook nutritious 2-serving recipes at home. Recipes rotate globally inspired options like miso glazed salmon & quinoa or chicken tikka masala. Saves grocery shopping and planning hassles.


HelloFresh Healthy Meal Delivery
HelloFresh Healthy Meal Delivery

Similar concept to Blue Apron with weekly deliveries of pre-portioned ingredients plus recipes for home-cooked family sized portions. They emphasize quality proteins, fresh produce and easy 30-minute recipes. Macronutrients can be adjusted per individual dietary preferences.

Home Chef

Home Chef Healthy Meal Delivery
Home Chef Healthy Meal Delivery

Meal kits are easy despite having minimal cooking experience. Along with pre-measured fresh ingredients, step-by-step photo recipes are simple enough for beginners. Options include cajun chicken pasta, teriyaki beef bowls or Chicken Parmesan.

Green Chef

Green Chef Healthy Meal Delivery
Green Chef Healthy Meal Delivery

For plant-focused eaters, Green Chef provides customizable organic vegetarian or vegan meal kits with recipes rated for ease or skill. Offerings spotlight whole foods and bold global flavors like curry coconut soup, farro vegetable skillet or mushroom risotto.

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Factor Healthy Meal Delivery
Factor Healthy Meal Delivery

Factor specializes in nutritious pre-cooked and portioned whole30 meals designed for the highly specialized whole30 elimination diet. Meals incorporate compliant proteins like chicken, salmon, beef and eggs with ample veggies/seasonings. Simplifies the strict diet.

Fresh n’ Lean

Fresh N Lean Healthy Meal Delivery
Fresh N Lean Healthy Meal Delivery

Fresh n’ Lean provides fully prepared fresh and frozen entrees for those looking for low calorie, low sodium meals formulated for weight management goals. Entrees contain 25-35g protein and 300-500 calories, often highlighting chicken, fish or plant proteins.


For clients with dietary restrictions, Butterfly offers individually customized freezer meals prepared without the top 8 food allergens. Registered Dietitian designed recipes satisfy most specialized needs like gluten-free, grain-free, dairy-free or nutrient dense diets.

Advantages of Healthy Meal Delivery


Healthy meal delivery services save time and effort by providing ready-to-eat or easy-to-prepare meals. This convenience is especially beneficial for busy individuals or families with hectic schedules.

Healthy Options

These services often offer a variety of nutritious meals made with fresh, high-quality ingredients. They typically include balanced portions of proteins, carbohydrates, and vegetables, making it easier to maintain a healthy diet.

Portion Control: Many meal delivery services offer portion-controlled meals, which can help individuals manage their calorie intake and avoid overeating. This can be particularly useful for those looking to lose or maintain weight.


With meal delivery services, there’s no need to plan menus, shop for groceries, or cook meals from scratch. This can free up valuable time that can be spent on other activities or responsibilities.


Some meal delivery services allow customers to customize their meal plans based on dietary preferences, allergies, or health goals. This ensures that individuals receive meals that meet their specific needs and preferences.

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Disadvantages of Healthy Meal Delivery

Cost: Healthy meal delivery services can be expensive compared to cooking meals at home or purchasing pre-packaged foods from the grocery store. The cost of these services may not be feasible for everyone, especially those on a tight budget.

Limited Control

While meal delivery services offer convenience, they also mean relinquishing control over meal preparation and ingredients. Some individuals may prefer to cook their own meals to have more control over portion sizes, ingredients, and cooking methods.

Packaging Waste

Meal delivery services often use single-use packaging materials, which can contribute to environmental waste. Although some companies offer eco-friendly packaging options, this may still be a concern for environmentally-conscious consumers.

Lack of Flexibility

Subscribing to a meal delivery service may require committing to a specific meal plan or subscription option, which may not be suitable for individuals with changing schedules or dietary preferences.

Taste and Variety

While many healthy meal delivery services strive to offer delicious and varied meals, some individuals may find the taste or selection of meals to be lacking compared to homemade or restaurant-prepared dishes. This can lead to dissatisfaction with the service over time.

Regardless of dietary needs or cooking experience, healthy meal delivery services open up options for nutritious, hassle-free home-cooked meals. Weekly varying menus keep options interesting while simplifying maintaining balanced nutrition on the go. Bonus – less food waste too from pre-portioned servings.


Healthy meal delivery services offer convenience and nutritious options for individuals looking to simplify meal preparation and improve their diet. However, they also come with drawbacks such as cost, limited control over ingredients, and packaging waste. It’s essential for consumers to weigh these pros and cons carefully to determine if a meal delivery service is the right choice for their lifestyle and dietary needs.

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